Highlights of 2024
Alicia, Caron, Arya and Katia joins the BINN lab for their external undergraduate thesis. Welcome. They will work on multi-scale integration of brain models.
21st: Swapna collects here certificate at the annual convocation held at our Goa Campus. Photo in Picture gallery.
19th: The Don Bosco undergrad thesis undertaken at our lab won the 1st Place for our college's Project Expo 'Kshitij 2024' amongst the Computer Engineering Dept. It was a competition cum expo that was open to the public. Joshua and Isaiah presented the project on behalf of the team. Pictures in the Gallery. Here is the LinkedIN announcement.
3rd: BSB attends the annual meet of the Centre for Digital Trust and Security, University of Manchester. Excellent experience with some timely topics discussed.
3rd - 4th: BSB attends the Advances in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ADSAI 2024) conference held at the Hyatt Regency, Manchester, organised by the Institute of Data Science and AI, University of Manchester. [See here for event details]
28th - 31st: BSB conducts the workshop at TECIS 2024 on "Other Pieces of the Puzzle: Research Funding, Publishing, Mentoring" along with Fahmida Chowdhury and Sushmita Mitra. Organised by SETU Waterford, Ireland, this small conference was a nice place to network and have some fruitful discussions. Thanks to Mary and John for looking after us, and to Bozenna for a lovely sumptuous dinner. Some pictures from the event available in the Gallery.
HAPPY to announce
Dr. Swapna Sasi as the first PhD graduate from the BINN labs. CONGRATULATIONS Swapna! Thesis Title: "In Silico modelling of brain rhythms with a focus on biomarkers of Schizophrenia"
BSB's first single supervised PhD. Would not have been possible without the support from - all contributing members of the BINN lab - as well as my colleagues in the Department of Computer Science of BITS Pilani Goa Campus. Thank you all !
17th: Upcoming Final Thesis Viva of Swapna Sasi. Please join in at this link --> Swapna Thesis Viva
Friday, 17 May · 4:30 – 6:05pm Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/odm-kyhv-dcx
6th: Swapna's thesis was passed by three examiners with recommendations of minor revisions! Congratulations Swapna!
25th: A 2-hour poster session held by undergraduate students of the Computational Neuroscience course (code: CS F433), an evaluative component on their coursework. Some excellent displays. Watch out here [https://www.binnlabs-goa.in/whats-new/in-pictures] for a sneak peak at some of the top scoring works.
23rd: A 1.5 hour guest lecture by Joy Bose on the Computational Neuroscience course (code: CS F433). See here for details of the day (https://www.binnlabs-goa.in/whats-new/guest-lecture-by-joy-bose)
22nd: BSB acted as Session chair at the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology (ICASSCT-2024) , Goa University, Taleigaon, Goa.
10th: BSB was invited as a Resource Person for Faculty Development Programme, Narayan Zantye College of Commerce, Bicholim, Goa. Topic: "Publish/Grants/Collaborate/EthicsThe “other pieces of the puzzle” for Academics".
8th: Shraddha presented her PhD proposal successfully. Title: "Human-in-the-loop Automated Scientific Discovery". Congratulations Shraddha!
January :
31st: Swapna submitted our PhD thesis for examining!!
17th: BSB delivered a 90 minutes Lecture on Neural Computation and Applications at the UGC - Malaviya Mission Teachers Training Institute, Goa University. (Conducted online).
4th - 5th : BSB on a collaborative visit to NIMHANS, Bengaluru transcranial stimulation lab.
Highlights of 2023
December: Congratulations to Swapna Sasi for making it to completing her thesis draft and completing the pre-submission Seminar successfully!
Her Thesis is titled "In silico modelling of brain rhythms with a focus on biomarkers of Schizophrenia"
We wish her the very best for her final submission during 2024.
December: Congratulations to Aditya Agarwal for successfully completing his On-Campus Undergraduate Research Thesis with the BINN lab. His thesis is titled "Linking Local Field Potentials with Spikes" and available to peruse on the Publications page.
December: Congratulations to Tanmay Bankar for successfully completing his Off-Campus Undergraduate Research Thesis --- with the KEDRI lab, under the primary supervision of Prof Nik Kasabov and co-supervision of Ms. Iman Abouhassan, --- and with the BINN lab, under the co-supervision of BSB. The thesis is titled "Enhancing Visualization and Interpretability in NeuCube With a Case Study on Stock Price Prediction". Available to peruse on the Publications page.
November: Submitted the AVAM paper in collaboration with Prof Nik Kasabov's team and our undergrad students Dharmik Patel, Naman Aggarwal and Tanmay Bankar, for review.
October: Welcome to Joshua, Vaughan, Issiah, Duane and Leo for starting their External Undergraduate Research Thesis with BINN Lab.
July - September: Congratulations to Leo Barros from Don Bosco Engineering College for completing his Undergraduate Research Internship. Available to peruse on the Publications page.
27th, 28th and 29th September: 3 papers presented (Oral) @ the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2023) (https://e-nns.org/icann2023/) of the European Neural Network Society (ENNS).
Congratulations to Akhilesh Adithya (UG student at our Institute) and big thanks to Michael Hopkins from the SpiNNaker team, University of Manchester, for the co-supervision.
Congratulations to PhD Scholars Swapna Sasi and Enuganti Pavan Kumar.
Conducted on 21st September: TUTORIAL – HALF DAY SESSION - Other Pieces of the Puzzle: Research Funding, Publishing, Mentoring
@ The Third International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence, Hyderabad, September 2023
8th September: Research meet on "The Virtual Brain (TVB): an introduction". Presentation led by Leo Barros (UG intern), assisted by Raju. In attendance: Abhishek Mishra, Swapna Sasi, BSB, UG thesis students from Don Bosco College of Engineering, Goa (Joshua, Vaughan, Duane, Isiah)
8th September: CONGRATULATIONS to Abhishek Mishra for clearing the PhD Qualifiers!
26th August: Finally wrapped up the SERB CRG 2019/003534, albeit after Lots of paper work, and running around from office to office, for signatures and finalising all expenses.
August: Submitted the PAMET paper for review in collaboration with Prof Nik Kasabov's team and our undergraduate students Tanmay Bankar and Rishabh.
August: Happy to Welcome PS Raju and Indira Raut to our Team!
Indira is currently in employment with the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB), and will be pursuing part-time PhD with us. She will be co-supervised by Prof Ashwin Srinivasan
Raju joined under the DBT funds as a Project Associate and will be pursuing full time PhD.
July-August: The review paper on AI-based chatbots is finally ready and submitted for review. Meanwhile it is uploaded on Arxiv - see the publications tab.
June-July: Summer Research visit by BSB to the Advanced Processor Technologies, SpiNNaker lab at the University of Manchester, School of Computer Science.
13th June: BSB attended the Advances in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ADSAI) conference organised by the Institute of Data Science, University of Manchester. Venue: Manchester Alliance Business School.
8th May: Conducted Session on Brain-inspired Computing for Undergraduate students of Computer Engineering from local Colleges (missed on updating with photos and session details - TO BE DONE)
Happy to welcome PS Raju on board on this project. (Currently inviting Applications for Junior Research Fellow Position to work in a Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) funded project - for a period of 3 years. We encourage applicants to apply to the call for PhD positions by BITS Pilani Goa Campus. The selected candidate will work in the area of Computational Neurology (see here for an introduction to the area) and will be working in collaboration with Doctors, locally as well as in other reputed Medical Institutions in India.)
March: Visit by BSB to Teresa Serrano Gottaredona's lab at the Instituto de Microelectronica, Seville (Spain) as a part of the collaborative work on the SERB CRG project.
Vibhav will continue to work as a student intern with BINN Lab from February to June. He will be funded by Professional Development Funds allocated to the PI.
24th January: BSB Delivered a Lecture on Brain inspired neural networks and applications at the Faculty Development Programme organised by Padre Conceigo College of Engineering (PCCE), Goa.
January 2023: Abhishek Mishra joins BINN-lab as part time PhD student - - welcome Abhishek! He will be working in the broad area of Computational Neurology
highlights of 2022
- Vibhav Sinai Pissurlenkar joins binn lab on 20th december for 2 months student internship. funded/supported by the serb core grant no. crg/2019/003534 scientific social responsibility. welcome vibhav.
Scientific Social Responsibility event conducted successfully on 10/12/2022 - funded by SERB CRG/2019/003534. 30 students and 2 teachers of the local Mormugaon Education Society (MES) college - (see dedicated tab). Media Reportage: OheraldO (Goan) - 14/12/2022; The Times of India - 19/12/2022.
Shraddha Surana successfully clears her phd qualifiers! just within 3 months of joining - Congratulations Shraddha - and welcome aboard! Shraddha's interest is in the area of Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence. She is currently working towards forming her PhD proposal.
- paper (oral) presented at iconip 2022 on 24th november by Enuganti pavan kumar. Congratulations to pavan for his efforts, and thanks to the spinnaker team for all the support and collaboration.
- paper PRESENTED (ORAl) at tecis 2022. watch out for an interesting survey conducted on a bits pilani wilp cohort that contributed to the section on india.
- ORIGINAL Research Article published in FRONTieRS IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (A Frontiersin.org journal) Congratulations to Swapna! SEe publications page FOR DETAILS
- Original Research Article published in Neurocomputing (AN ELSEVIER JoUrNAL) Congratulations to Swapna - AND A BIG THANKS TO PRANAV MAHAJAN AND ADVAIT RANE FOR THEIR UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT WORK FACILITATING SWAPNA'S RESEARCH! See publications page. The Accepted version is available on ArXiv.
highlights of 2021
- Original Research Article published Online - Neurocomputing Congratulations to Swapna! Print upcoming 16th January 2022 See publications page. The Accepted version is available on ArXiv.
- **Congratulations** to Pranav Mahajan for obtaining a funded DPhil in Clinical Neuroscience at the prestigious University of Oxford, United Kingdom Pranav also participated in GSOC 2021 with INCF. For his profile summary and contact, see the People Tab on this site.
- Two Conference Abstracts presented at the Bernstein Conference 2021 Poster no. 29: presented by Doctoral Scholar Swapna Sasi, 22nd September; Poster no. 132: presented by Undergraduate Student Rohan Ajwani, 23rd Septermber
- Paper on Inclusion and Diversity in the workplace, focussing on gender bias in STEM, TECIS 2021 Oral presentation by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya at the 20th IFAC TECIS (https://tecis2021.com/) on the 16th September 2021
- TWO PAPERS PRESENTED at IEEE IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 19th May & 21st May 2021 Oral presentation by Chinmay Chiplunkar & Pranav Mahajan
- PAPER PRESENTED at 10th IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, 5th May 2021 Oral presentation by Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya
- A BOOK REVIEW ARTICLE - OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION Reviewing Peter Erdi's fascinating take on, and titled, Ranking: the unwritten rules of the social games we all play, ISBN-13: 9780190935467, Publisher: Oxford University Press. This Book Review Article is now published in Frontiers in Psychology. See Publications Tab under Journals - Book Review for link to the article. If you like this review article, please read the book, avaiable on Amazon.
- PAPER PRESENTED at 55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), March 2021 Spotlight presentation by alumnus (now at Microsoft R&D) Shriya TP Gupta